Privacy Policy

Last updated: October 24, 2022

    The services provided by Bolney Shopping, including the app and other products (hereinafter referred to as "Products and Services"), are developed and operated by Bolneyshop E-Commerce Limited (hereinafter referred to as "we").

    Please make sure to read and fully understand all the rules and key points of this privacy policy before continuing to use our products. By choosing to use our products, you are consenting to the entire contents of this privacy policy and agreeing to our collection and use of your information. If you have any questions about this policy while reading it, you can contact our customer service for assistance. Please reach out to us through [email protected] or the feedback method within the product. If you do not agree with any of the terms of this policy or related agreements, you should cease using our products and services.

    This privacy policy helps you understand the following:


    • 1.How we collect and use your personal information:
    • 2.How we store and protect your personal information:
    • 3. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information:
    • 4. How we use cookies and other tracking technologies;


    1. How we collect and use your personal information:


    • Personal information refers to various pieces of information recorded electronically or by other means that can identify a specific natural person individually or in combination with other information, or reflect the activities of a specific natural person. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the "People's Republic of China Cybersecurity Law" and the "Information Security Technology - Personal Information Security Specification" (GB/T 35273-2017), we strictly adhere to the principles of legitimacy, legality, and necessity when collecting and using your personal information during your use of the services and/or products we provide. This may include, but is not limited to, information such as phone numbers.
    • In order to access our comprehensive range of product services, you should first register a user account. We will record relevant data through this account. All the information you provide originates from the data you provided during registration. The username and password you choose, along with your contact information, may be used for identity verification purposes, which may involve sending SMS or email messages to confirm the validity of your identity.
    • 2. How we store and protect your personal information
    • Generally, we will only retain your personal information for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. We will keep your personal information within the time limits required for managing our relationship with you, such as when you open an account or access services from our products. After the aforementioned period expires, we may need to retain your personal information to comply with legal obligations or to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims, and we may not be able to delete it upon your request. We ensure that when your personal data is no longer needed for the purposes corresponding to our legal obligations or statutory limitation periods, your personal data will be completely deleted or anonymized.
  • We implement industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide, including encrypting key data to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, use, alteration, damage, or loss. We take all reasonable and feasible measures to safeguard your personal information. We use encryption technology to ensure data confidentiality and trusted protective mechanisms to prevent data from malicious attacks. 3How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information When it is necessary to manage our day-to-day business activities, we will use your personal information in a compliant and appropriate manner to pursue legitimate interests and better serve our customers. For business and comprehensive considerations, we use this data solely for our own purposes and do not share it with any third parties. We may share your personal information with external parties in accordance with legal regulations or mandatory requirements from government authorities. In compliance with applicable laws and regulations, when we receive requests for such information disclosure, we will require the presentation of appropriate legal documents, such as subpoenas or investigation letters. We firmly believe that we should maintain transparency regarding the information we are required to provide within the bounds of the law. Under the following circumstances, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent: 1、Directly related to national security and defense security: 2、Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and judgment enforcement: 3、In order to protect your or other individuals' significant lawful rights and interests, especially when obtaining the individual's consent is difficult: 4、Personal information that you voluntarily make public to the public: 5、Personal information collected from legally public sources, such as legitimate news reports and government information disclosures: 6、Required to enter into and fulfill a contract as per the request of the data subject: 7、Necessary for maintaining the safety and stable operation of the provided products or services, such as identifying and addressing product or service malfunctions8、Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations 4.How we use cookies and other tracking technologies To ensure the proper functioning of our products, we may store a small data file called a "cookie" on your computer or mobile device. Cookies typically contain identifiers, product names, and some numbers and characters. Through cookies, we can store your preferences or product-related data and use them to determine if registered users are logged in, improve service and product quality, and enhance the user experience.

    For various purposes, we use different types of cookies, including essential cookies, performance cookies, marketing cookies, and functionality cookies. Some cookies may be provided by external third parties to enhance the functionality of our products. We do not use cookies for purposes other than those described in this policy.

    You can manage or delete cookies according to your preferences. You can clear all cookies stored on your computer or mobile device, and most web browsers have options to block or disable cookies, which you can configure in your browser settings. However, please be aware that blocking or disabling cookie functionality may affect your use of our products and services or limit their functionality.

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